Certificate in Supervision

The Certificate in Supervision consists of four modules, supervision practice and then followed by the self and peer assessment enquiry and tutorials:

Four modules to be attended in this order are:

1.  Core
2.  Therapeutic 'The Seven Eyed Model'
3.  Group
4.  Advanced/Integration

The modules are each 21 hours
*Bookings are only provisional and will not be considered a booking until a deposit of £100 per course is paid to secure each place.

Course Timings

All courses (face-to-face and online) are Wednesday to Friday

Wednesday face-to-face you are welcome to arrive any time after 9.30 am for a prompt start at 10 am. Finish at 5 pm.
Zoom 9.55 am - 5 pm
Thursday 9.30 am –5 pm
Friday 9.30 am–4 pm

You can pay module by module or take advantage of a 10% discount if all four course are booked and paid in full before attending the first course.

*** If there is a waiting list, do  contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations.

New intake for the face-to-face Certificate in Supervision in London starting September 2023–2024

10–12 July 2024 – Advanced/Integration –  *WAITING LIST

* Do contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations.

New intake for the face-to-face Certificate in Supervision in London starting September 2024–2025

18–20 September 2024 – Core Supervision (begin your training with this course) – WAITING LIST

5–7 February 2025 – Therapeutic 'The Seven Eyed Model' – *WAITING LIST

23–25 April 2025 – Group Supervision – *WAITING LIST  

9–11 July 2025 – Advanced/Integration –  *WAITING LIST

* Do contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations


Online Supervision Courses 2024/2025

For those who have completed the Core Supervision Course and the Therapeutic Supervision Course with CSTD

6–8 November 2024 – Online Group Supervision – *WAITING LIST

15–17  January 2025Online Advanced/Integration Supervision – *WAITING LIST

*  Do contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations.

Online Supervision Courses 2025/2026

New intake for our Certificate in Supervision starting January 2025

29 – 31 January 2025 – Online Core Supervision

14 – 16 May 2025 – Online Therapeutic  'The Seven Eyed Model'

12 – 14 November 2025 – Online Group Supervision

14 – 16 January 2026 – Online Advanced/Integration Supervision

*** If there is a waiting list, do contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations.

Supervision Courses 2025/2026

New intake for our face to face Certificate in Supervision starting September 2025 

17 – 19 September 2025 – Core Supervision

4 – 6 February  2026 – Therapeutic  'The Seven-Eyed Model'

22 – 24 April 2026 – Group Supervision

8 – 10 July 2026 – Advanced/Integration Supervision

*** If there is a waiting list, do contact us and ask to be placed on the waiting list in case of cancellations.