Sam Clark

I am based in Kent and can meet face-to-face in either Margate or Canterbury, or online via Skype/ Zoom.

M: 07968 956779

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I have completed the four supervision modules at CSTD and I’m working towards completion of the Certificate.

M.A. Counselling & Psychotherapy (University of East London/ Regent’s College)
Advanced Diploma Integrative Psychotherapy (Regent’s College)
Postgraduate Certificate in Systemic Practice
Level 2 AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)
I have been UKCP accredited since 2005.

Why you are offering this service:
I love supervising and I’m currently working towards my 50 hours for the CSTD Certificate in Supervision. I’m hoping to work individually with counsellors or psychotherapists, but I also have cross-modality experience of supervising teachers and workers in a domestic abuse charity. I believe passionately in the importance of reflective supervision for everyone working in challenging roles. I am offering supervision at low-cost/ negotiated rate while I complete my supervisor training.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have 1:1 supervision for my private practice and both group and 1:1 supervision for my role as a Student Counsellor at Canterbury Christ Church University. I am also in a weekly AEDP training supervision group.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
As both therapist and supervisor my aims are to be experiential, relational and to facilitate transformation. Trained originally as an Integrative Psychotherapist, I am now working towards certification in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):

“Through undoing of aloneness, and through the in-depth processing of difficult emotional and relational experiences, as well as new transformational experiences, the AEDP clinician fosters the emergence of new and healing experiences for the client, and with them resources, resilience and a renewed zest for life” (AEDP Institute).

This, as well as my learning from Joan and Robin’s training and the 7-Eyed Model, informs my supervision practice.

Tania Davis

I am based in Loughborough, and can work in person or remotely via Zoom.

M: 07905596147

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I completed my MSc in Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy in 2020 at the Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute in Nottingham. I am an MBACP, and registered and accredited by the UKCP.

I am currently completing the modules at CSTD in 2023, and working towards the hours for my certificate.

I have been in private practice since 2020, and working with clients since 2017. I work with adults and young people (14+). Alongside my practice, I am a researcher with a focus on imagery and metaphor, and the role of supervision in the development of the reflective therapist

Why you are offering this service:
Supervision is the work that enables all my other work. I could not be a therapist without the space my supervisors offer me to be reflective, without the relationship they offer me to be accepting and vulnerable, without the support to grow. I want to enable that for other practitioners.

I am offering this service at a reduced rate so as to gain my certificate and complete my training.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I am working with a graduate CSTD trained supervisor, also a Person-centred psychotherapist.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I am a Person-centred supervisor.

My philosophy about supervision is that it should be relational, promote growth and lead to collaborative enquiry.

My ideal for supervision is that it should support the development of the therapist, at all stages.

My theory for supervision is based on the 6 necessary and sufficient conditions of Person-centred therapy, governed by the assumption that supervision is shaped by the needs of the supervisee but that the relationship is shaped by us both.

My role as supervisor would be to work with the changing needs of my supervisees, including:

  • Practical – support with the logistics of running a practice, organizing paperwork, structuring the work day, communicating with clients
  • Ethical – discovering and holding boundaries, reflective practice, self-care needs and structures, working across roles and identities, risk management
  • Educative – linking practice with research, using recordings and reflection to enhance use of self, locating practice within theoretical perspectives, finding areas for self-development
  • Supportive – space for the vulnerability and honesty around what the work brings up for you, exploring how your needs can be met, sharing the highs and lows, help with endings and beginnings and everything in between, meeting and challenging in equal measure.

Christalla Demetriades

I live in South London and am willing to travel to an organisation if it is within striking distance.  Otherwise I practice on Zoom and in Little Venice, London W2, Covid restrictions depending.

M: 07899845317

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
Diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy (CCPE)

Certificate in Bereavement Counselling

Group and Core Supervision training (CSTD)

Group Dynamics Training (CSTD)

I have been seeing clients for individual psychotherapy since 2006, working in low cost counselling organisations from 2006-2010 and in private practice since 2009.

I co-facilitated a bereavement group 2007-2010 and a parenting group 2012-2016.

Why you are offering this service:
I have embarked on the Supervision training with Robin Shohet and Joan Wilmott of CSTD, having been in a supervision group with Robin for the past 10 years. My reasons for offering this service are twofold: from a practical perspective, I need to complete 50 hours as a supervisor in order to graduate from this training and from a personal perspective, my experience is that this way of supervising can be transformational for the supervisee, supporting them in being more present with their clients, giving them a space to experiment with different approaches and methods to find what will be most useful to them in their work and allowing them to grow in confidence and skill. I want to pass these skills on because I passionately believe them to be beneficial in all areas of life.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
Individual supervision with a psycho-dynamic/transpersonal supervisor.

Peer supervision group with fellow trainees.

I intend to start individual supervision with a supervisor trained in the seven-eyed model imminently.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I hold a professional, safe and encouraging space, with curiosity, compassion and lightness of touch.

Regina Dengler

I support practitioners (of any discipline) in their work and indeed in their lives. I offer supervision in Nottingham and on virtual platforms, such as Zoom, in English and German.

T: 0115 648 9636
M: 0794 227 6538

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I have more than 25 years of experience of working with clients to improve physical, emotional and mental/spiritual well-being through massage, bodywork and communication. I trained as a nurse a very long time ago, and hold a number of bodywork related qualifications. I have been involved with Pychodramatic bodywork since 2008, including as a regular assistant to group trainers. I will complete the fourth module of the CSTD Certificate in Supervision in July 2023.

I have continued my supervision training and I have just completed the latest Massage Message .
I am looking for supervisees as a trainee supervisor.  I have also included highlights from the latest research in my massage message link above about massage, Myofascial Release and lymphoedema, this time focussing on the large fascia of the lower back, the Thoracolumbar fascia - thought to be at least partially responsible for lower back pain.

Wishing you a spring in your step,

Why you are offering this service:
I have been considering for a while how I can use my skill set and support practitioners (of any discipline) in their work and indeed in their lives. One way of doing this is mentoring or supervision.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have been using (formal and informal) supervision since I started practicing, and I have always found it useful to have someone to reflect with. For my Supervisor work, Pat Brandwood, an experienced supervisor, Psychodrama therapist and social worker, has agreed to supervise me.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:

What do you get as a supervisee?

  • my time and my intention to be present for you
  • a willingness to be beside you as a fellow practitioner
  • a willingness to learn and be in contact with you. This will include taking the risk to make mistakes, and learning from them.
  • an opportunity to look at the process, to explore what is going on underneath the content. Obviously, we will also work with the content, the practicalities, depending on the situation.

Bethan Griffiths

I work in central Birmingham B9 and online.


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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
UKCP & BACP accredited Psychotherapist through SPTI (2019). Currently completing training with CSTD Bath. I work in a developmental relational modality.

Why you are offering this service:
To gain the CSTD Certificate and to become BACP & UKCP accredited supervisor.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
Chris O'Malley

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
My model of supervision supports supervisees in accessing the depth of their own insights rather than relying on myself as a technical expert. 

Luka Hadrych

I offer consultative supervision to therapists wishing to develop a more coherent and integrative approach to their practice and to teams wanting to enhance their work with behavioural and DBT-based interventions.

M: 07891901607

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I attended training in clinical supervision with SDS Seminars, in DBT supervision and consultation with Dr Alan Fruzzetti and I am now on the CSTD certificate course in supervision.

  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (UKCP), Roehampton University
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Bangor University
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, University of East Anglia
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychological Wellbeing Practice (LI CBT), Canterbury Christ Church University
  • MSc in Clinical and Community Psychology, University of East London
  • Intensive Training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy with British Isles DBT National Training Team followed by 40 hours of expert supervision from Dr Heidi Heard who was one of the original developers of DBT affiliated to The Behavioral Tech Institute
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples: Externship and Advanced Core Skills Training (Levels 1-4 out of 4), The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy for Individuals (Attachment Trauma-Focused): Levels 1-2 out of 2 with Dr Sue Johnson and Dr Leanne Campbell, The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)

Why you are offering this service:
Supervising is one of the favourite aspects of my current work. I have been offering consultative supervision for a number of years and I’m currently working towards my 50 hours for the CSTD Certificate in Supervision.

I see supervision as a collaborative, heart-centred process which aims to help you develop “super-vision” (or greater insights) of your therapeutic work and raise your confidence to cope with challenges that therapy sometimes brings in new, creative ways. I work in an invitational and non-judgemental way.

As part of my own learning I had my therapy tapes, or their parts, listened to by my supervisors and although these were daunting experiences at first they proved to be incredibly supportive and helpful in re-visiting both moments of effective interventions and moments of stuckness. If this feels comfortable, I would be happy to listen to parts of your tapes in our work together.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have 1:1 supervision with a CSTD-trained therapist with 20 years of experience. I also attend weekly DBT team consultation.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
In my therapeutic work I draw from behavioural, skills-based, experiential and attachment-based modalities. I am currently also studying body-based approaches.

Since 2011 I have worked in the NHS (primary and secondary care services), community and private settings. Between 2012 and 2017 I supported adults who were given the diagnosis of "borderline / emotionally unstable personality disorder” in my role as a DBT therapist at a specialist NHS service. Since then my particular interest has been in how to transform difficult moments in therapy and move through relational challenges between clients and therapists in ways that strengthen the bond and instil trust.

I have studied happiness, human behaviour, relationships, Western and Eastern psychology and mindfulness for the last 20 years. My own journey of personal growth has brought me through personal therapy in various modalities, retreats, self-compassion workshops, and the study of Zen, psychedelic-assisted therapy and indigenous wisdom. 

Valerie Hargrave

I work from home and am based in Purley in the borough of Croydon. I am also happy to offer Skype sessions.

M: 07429 348112

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I qualified in 2012 as an integrative Counsellor/Psychotherapist with a Post-graduate diploma in Integrative counselling and psychotherapy from Roehampton University. I became an Accredited Counsellor with BACP in 2018. I completed the Core Supervision Course with CSTD in November 2018.

Why you are offering this service:
I prize supervision highly and regard it as an integral part of my client work and my self -care. I hope to offer the kind of supervision I am currently receiving, it is supportive nurturing, and challenging. I am offering supervision at low cost while I complete my supervision training.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
My current supervisor is CSTD trained, and we have discussed extending the hours we work together to include supervision of supervisees.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I am a warm and open person. With my clients I offer a safe place to look at pain and sadness, what brings meaning into their lives. The core of my training is Person-Centred and I use the core conditions of empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence to establish a relationship based on trust that can be used to find out why they feel how they do and experiment to find out who they can be. I hope to offer supervisees an environment where they can feel safe to discuss what is happening in the room with their clients, where they can perhaps deepen their work and look at what they bring to the client/counsellor relationship.

I am charging £30 per session while I complete my training.

Allan Kelly

I work in Wimbledon SW20 and by Skype and Facetime.

T: 020 8947 5171

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
BACP Senior accredited counsellor and Psychotherapist. Currently completing training with CSTD. I work integratively.

Why you are offering this service:
To gain the CSTD Certificate and to become BACP accredited supervisor.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
Professor Diana Shmukler

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
I regard supervision as a learning partnership, a safe place in which to learn, practice and grow. Trainees and experienced practitioners welcome.

Louise King

I am based in Paddington, London and Northampton and can offer supervision face-to-face, by telephone or online via Zoom.

M: 07432 174 576

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD
I have completed all modules at CSTD and am working towards completion of the Certificate.

PhD Psychology – University of Northampton, 2021
Certificate in Online Therapy – Academy for Online Therapy, 2021
PG Diploma Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling – CCPE, 2011
PG Certificate Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling – CCPE, 2005
I have a MA from the University of Essex (1993) and a B.A. (Hons) from King’s College, London (1992).
I have undertaken a wide range of CPD, including the following topics :

  • Addiction
  • Porn and sex addiction
  • Dreams
  • Shame
  • Dissociative identity disorder and sexual abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Body work
  • Spirituality in practice
  • Ableism and chronic illness
  • Transpersonal approaches to therapy
  • Psychiatry and spirituality
  • Working with race and microaggressions
  • Bereavement
  • Using online sandtrays
  • Working inter-relationally

I am committee member of the BPS Transpersonal Section and am actively involved in transpersonal psychotherapy. I have my own spiritual practice and am part of a Kabbalah group.

Why you are offering this service:
I am excited to offer Supervision as a reflective practice for individuals and groups, across different modalities. I really enjoy working together in this way. Supervision has always been the cornerstone of my practice – a source of support, comfort and insight.  I have valued respect and trust in my own supervisory relationships and have found this has, in turn, improved my client relationships. For me, it is a very important place for open discussion and reflection on my work. I would like to offer others the space and trust that I have received. Supportive, honest, relational Supervision has given me the permission to work from an authentic place, to change as a therapist and to make mistakes and learn from them

I am currently offering supervision at a reduced or negotiated rate while I complete my supervisory training.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have both 1:1 and group supervision for my work as a therapist.
I have 1:1 and peer/group supervision for my work as a supervisor.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:

It is important to me to offer Supervisees a strong and warm person-to-person relationship. Relationships are the centre of our work together, and with our clients. Based on this, we can honestly examine our practice and ensure we support our clients in the way we aspire to.

I have 12 years’ experience as a qualified integrative therapist, and I work in a relational way, flexing different approaches to client needs and temperament. I’m a kink-aware therapist. As part of my training, I undertook over 100 hours working on a psychiatric ward shadowing a psychiatrist and I specialise in working with individuals with complex mental health needs – diagnosed and undiagnosed.

Prior to qualifying, I worked for over a decade as a Samaritan with the suicidal and despairing, in person, on the phone, and in HMP Holloway.

I am very happy to have a chat about what you expect from Supervision, and how we might work together to support you and your clients.

Kate Lewis

I am based in Nottingham for face to face work and ‘walk and talk’, and also available for Zoom or Skype.

T: 07711 918759

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
MA in Dramatherapy (HCPC registered)

Postgraduate Certificate in Systemic Thinking & Practice

Assessment & Treatment of Dissociation in Children and Adolescents - BICTD

Currently undertaking CSTD supervision training

Having worked in CAMHS and in a University Student Wellbeing service for several years after qualifying, I am now solely in independent practice as a Dramatherapist.  My clients are primarily children and young people – although I also see adults, sometimes within the context of family work with the young people I’m working with.

Approximately 50% of my work is under the Adoption Support Service (ASF) with adopted children who have experienced complex trauma, and their families.

Why you are offering this service:
I am hoping to find supervisees with whom I can explore the supervision process and how we can learn from each other to find what is helpful, challenging and supportive for them – and meaningful for both of us.  On a practical level, I need supervisees to help me meet the requirements of the training!

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have two supervision sessions every month – one for Dramatherapy and the other for my Systemic Practice.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
As a Dramatherapist, I am interested in creative methods within supervision and look forward to sharing these with my supervisees as a way of unlocking stuckness and broadening perspectives.  Don’t worry – no embarrassing acting or role play involved (unless you want to ….. !), just some different ways of looking at your work with your clients.

Aileen MacDonald

I work in Fulham Broadway and Sloane Square, also on Skype.

M: 07905 514593

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
Graduate of Spectrum Therapy (humanistic)
UKCP registered accredited psychotherapist
BACP registered member
Sensorimotor trauma training Levels 1 and 11 (a mindfulness based therapy based on the latest research about trauma and what works)
I’ve completed all the CSTD certificate courses, including the Advanced

Why you are offering this service:
I want to gain experience of providing supervision

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have my own supervisor Geoff Warburton who supervises my therapy work. I will also use him for supervising me as supervisor.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
I consider myself to be an integrative therapist
I’m offering low-cost supervision at £35 per session until I have completed the 50 hours required for the certificate.

Sarah MacDonald

I work in Bristol and South West and can work from home, or on Zoom/Skype.  Will travel within South West region

M: 07419 332 751

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:

CSTD Core and Therapeutic (Jan 2021)

Certificate in Mentoring, Spiritual Counselling and Group Facilitation (One Spirit Interfaith Foundation.  2017)

Ordained One Spirit Interfaith Minister (2014)

Certificate in Facilitation Skills for Living Well with Cancer (2011)

Certificate in Complementary Health Care for people with Cancer (2007)

MA Health Education (1996)

I have worked for 20 years supporting people with cancer to develop their resilience. Ultimately this has meant helping people to recognise and address their spiritual health: identifying their fundamental connection to Life and what makes life worth living.

As a service manager I have worked with complementary therapists, doctors and people with cancer to develop, deliver and train people in comprehensive programmes of holistic care that support us all to live well by supporting and developing the spiritual health in each of us.  As a minister and a tutor leading others towards ministry, I know the importance of grounding ourselves in awareness, kindness and love, and I also know well the struggles that go with this process.  As a lifelong practitioner of QiGong and Tai Chi, which I have taught in various setting for many years, I engage daily with embodied spiritual practices.

Why you are offering this service:
Supervision for me is another way to support spiritual health.  So many people across so many disciplines are working to foster connection, interdependence, reverence for life, kindness and awe in themselves and their clients, whether as complementary therapists, retreat leaders, teachers of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, resilience, wellbeing…. Personal awareness and reflection is essential in this work.  I offer supervision to help everyone engaged in it in whatever form to stay focused, grounded and real.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I am currently in regular supervision for my work as a group tutor for the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation, and have separate supervision in place for my work as a trainee supervisor.

Gary McFarlane

I live and work in Weston-Super-Mare (The West Country). I am a supervisor and a Relate trained Single, Couples, Marriage Counsellor, a Psychosexual Therapist, Sex/Porn/Love Addiction Therapist and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) Practitioner.

M: 07866 097247

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
Relate Cert in Couple Counselling; Relate Diploma in Couple counselling; Relate Cert in Psychosexual Therapy; Cert in Sex Addiction & Compulsivity. BA Law Hons; LLM. Member of the British Assoc of Counsellors & Psychotherapists (MBACP); Accredited by Assoc of Christian Counsellors (ACC); ACC is a member of the Professional Standards Agency; Assoc for the Treatment of Sex Addiction & Compulsivity (ATSAC). Member of the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO). Member of stopSO.

Why you are offering this service:
To complete the CSTD certificate and become an Accredited supervisor.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
Yet to be arranged

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I am a Relate trained and experienced Relationship Counsellor, Mediator, Sex Therapist, Sex Addiction & Love Addiction Therapist. My background is psychodynamic Systemic, CBT, TA, EMDR, eclectic mix - all of which are undertaken by Vsee, (Skype), Facetime, other webcam utilities, telephone and face to face with clients from all parts of the country and indeed all over the world. I am trained in online counselling and am a member of ACTO (Association for Counselling and Therapy Online).

I lead seminars & workshops, group workshops, lecture and write books (available on Amazon), covering all aspects of relationships and factors which contribute to disharmony in self and relationships, whether for singles, couples or groups - including sex therapy, conflict management & resolution/mediation, sex addiction and love addiction therapy. I run a female partners of male sex addicts groups.

Mara McMaster

Throughout this period of uncertainty, I will be offering Skype, Phone, Google Meet, as face to face is currently too risky. My practice is Hereford and Gloucestershire.


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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
I have 25 years of experience and I gained my Therapeutic Diploma from the CPCAB.

I work predominantly in the Education sector and I offer therapy to all who work there. I work with all age groups.

During Lockdown I did lots of CPD and every Thursday with Robin Shohet and Joan Wilmot. I found their workshops invaluable.

Why you are offering this service:
I am offering this service as I wish to be fully qualified as a Supervisor and I need to be able to demonstrate that I have the ability as well as the experience that is required.

I have found my own Supervision to be very helpful in enhancing my own practice and my confidence has grown because of it.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have my own Supervisor who has many years’ experience and very well qualified to help me on my journey to become a practicing and confident Supervisor.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I use a Person-Centred approach and work within an ethical framework where the clients well being is at the forefront of my therapy. I am more than happy to discuss any questions that those looking for Supervision might need answers to.

Philippa Myers

Philippa works in a non-judgmental, curious and playful way.  She helps Supervisees see themselves, a situation & their client/peer through a new lens, in order to replenish energy and bring greater clarity to their work. Currently based in Brighton, UK, she is willing to travel (COVID restrictions permitting) & also works online via zoom & is willing to take on clients worldwide. Trainee & experienced professionals welcomed.

M: 07708 127875

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
Philippa has been working with clients for Individual & Group psychotherapy since 2011 in both charitable and other organizations. She has pursued the following Degrees & Certifications:

  • M.A. in Adlerian Psychology at the Adler Graduate School, MN, USA
  • A in Addiction Studies from Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies, MN, USA
  • A in Business Studies from Edinburgh University
  • Licensed Drug & Alcohol Therapist (LADC & ICADC)
  • Licensed Psychotherapist (LPC & LPCC)
  • EMDR Psychotherapist (EMDRIA approved)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Supervisor to therapists, teachers & other professionals (in training with CSTD)

Why you are offering this service:
Having experienced a wide range of Supervisors & Supervision styles in this last decade, I want to impart what has been most impactful on my private & Psychotherapist life.  While being supervised by Lyndall Johnson, LP, ( I learned that until I can FULLY understand myself, I cannot truly make sense of the world around me or my clients. Confusion ensues and we get sucked into the subtle blame & shame games (without even being aware of it). Burnout can happen quickly. I want to share that good supervision, requiring joint enquiry in a safe space, can be transformational both for the Supervisee and his/her clients & peers. The 7- Eyed model of supervision allows for reflection, transformation and growth in confidence, skills and in self-care.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
Peer Group Supervision
3 hrs/month supervision with Lyndall Johnson, Licensed Psychologist

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
I have a particular interest in both attachment trauma and “big T” trauma. I am well trained and passionate about the addiction field, with the biggest addiction being to believing one’s own thoughts!

"We see supervision as a way of familiarizing ourselves with the pause, so we can listen at a deep level… to the spaces between the notes as well as the notes"
Shohet & Shohet, (2020), p.4, In Love with Supervision

Come and join me on this path to seeing with new eyes….

Luiza Neumayer

I am based in Marylebone, Central London and in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. I offer both face-to-face or online supervision sessions.

M: 0780 3375794

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
I am a chartered counselling psychologist, Jungian and experiential psychotherapist with an experience of more than 13 years.

My background in relational psychodynamic psychotherapy has been complemented with a variety of experiential therapeutic approaches in working with developmental and attachment trauma (having trained and getting certified in therapeutic approaches like AEDP, AB-ISTDP, EMDR, IFS, Polyvagal theories, Somatic Psychology, Brainspotting and Deep Brain Reorienting),

Why you are offering this service:
My essential mode of supervision is relational, integrative and experiential, inviting supervisees into a safe, creative space of reflexivity and contemplation. I use an integrative approach, underpinned by Hawkins and Shohet's 7-eyed model, combining experiential ways of accessing therapeutic change, person-centered, attachment based therapeutic approaches, as well as body-focused approaches, emotion theories (regulation and healthy processing) and transformational studies.

I work with adults and couples.  I use the EFT and IFIO ("Intimacy from Inside Out") therapy models in working with couples.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I now train with CSTD London (Centre for Supervision and Team Development) and work towards becoming a Certified supervisor.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
The supervisory space is a co-created space which encourages collaboration, dialogue, curiosity, diversity and fosters each supervisee’s individual and unique ways of thinking and being with their clients.

I offer a limited number of low-cost services to supervisees.
I look forward to meeting you and working together.

"We see supervision as a way of familiarizing ourselves with the pause, so we can listen at a deep level… to the spaces between the notes as well as the notes"
Shohet & Shohet, (2020), p.4, In Love with Supervision

Come and join me on this path to seeing with new eyes….

Esther Polden

I am Brighton-based and can travel to parts of East and West Sussex. I currently work face-to-face, but will consider phone/skype.

M: 07717 261926

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
BACP Accredited Counsellor
Post-graduate Diploma in Integrative Humanistic Psychotherapy (Whittington Hospital/South Bank University) 1998
Pellin Certificate in Counselling 1992

I started the CSTD Certificate in Supervision in July 2014 and have some experience of supervising.

Why you are offering this service:
I would like to extend and develop my supervision skills and practice while I am training with CSTD.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I currently have 2-2 1/2 hours of individual supervision per month for my work as a school counsellor, and attend regular peer supervision. I will arrange additional supervision for new supervision and client work.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
I am an integrative humanistic therapist. I like the way the CSTD training has highlighted for me the importance of process, awareness and relationship in supervision. I like to draw on my knowledge and experience of Gestalt, psychodynamic and systemic ideas and attachment theory, and am always open to new perspectives.

Ian Pocklington

I work in Reepham 12 miles west of Norwich.

T: 01603 872103
M: 07775 935073

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
Certificate in Continuing Education. Counselling Skills
Diploma in Integrative Counselling and year 2 of BSc (Hons) Integrative Counselling
Advanced Diploma and year 3 of BSc (Hons) Integrative Counselling
Certificate in Couples Work (Changing Relationships)
Diploma in Couples Work
Currently in training for Certificate in Supervision at CSTD
Volunteer counsellor at St. Barnabas Counselling Centre Norwich 10 years

Why you are offering this service:
Clinical supervision. At present face to face only.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
My client supervisor Alan Tidmarsh who trained with CSTD has agreed to offer me supervision for me in as a supervisor.

Ian Reid

I am Swiss-based in central Basel, with occasional days in other locations e.g. London. Flexible on pre-booked times, and happy to work virtually via Skype, FaceTime, or by phone.

T: 00 41 79 44 017 49
Direct pre-booking:

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:
MSc Relational Executive Coaching (Ashridge)
Cert. Relational Couples Counselling (CPH)
Cert. Hypnotherapist with CBT (LSH)
Accredited Masters Mentoring & Coaching Practitioner (EMCC EQA)
Accredited Mediator (CMC)
I am currently attending CSTD in Findhorn and London, whilst also following EMCC Supervisor Accreditation via a PGCE (ACOS) at Ashridge-Hult.

Why you are offering this service:
I currently run two supervision groups locally on a monthly basis, and would like to broaden my experience and practice by offering regular individual supervision. I am especially interested in offering reduced-cost and cross-disciplinary supervision to individuals who are working in organisations, low-cost, or charitable practice - and who may be less able to afford full commercial supervision rates for their own regular, individual, 1:1 supervision.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
My own 'supervision on supervision' arrangements are quite comprehensive, to support the diversity of work that I do. I have Group Supervision and Individual Supervision, on both my supervision and wider practice, on alternate months - and peer co-Supervision on supervision, ad-hoc.

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:
I have worked with: commercial, non-commercial, and UN/NGO organisations; individuals and groups; based in the UK, Switzerland, and around half the world. My learning, practice, and experience covers many aspects of supporting through heart- body- and head-felt relational engagement: Mentoring, Executive Coaching, Mediation, and Counselling. I am integrative and eclectic, as is my experience and training, rather than modality or 'sector of practice' focussed.

Ultimately, I simply aim to meet you where you are in your practice, working together with what you choose to bring, being curious about what we may find in our own relationship and your world - which could be useful for you and your clients.

Fadi Salaam

I am located in Willesden Green and am also available on Skype or Zoom

T: 07513 662002

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD courses:

MA in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy

CSTD Core Supervision Course

Why you are offering this service:

I am training to be a supervisor and need to build up my practice hours

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:

I have a private supervisor who is a BPC accredited psychotherapist

Anything else you would like to be known about your work:

I have a flexible approach and have worked in IAPT NHS service, in private practice and with refugees.

Katherine Stewart

I am based in Moray, Scottish Highlands. I can meet face to face or online.

I am a qualified therapist and am interested in working with individuals or groups from any profession. I would particularly like to work with those in creative professions.

M: 07981 019 897

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:

Why you are offering this service:

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:

Sonya Suter

Sonya is based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and is able to work with individuals nationally by offering appointments via online forums and over the telephone.

M: 07852 190318


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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
Sonya in an Integrative Counsellor & Psychotherapist, this combines a person-centred approach, cognitive behavioural therapy and attachment.  She works with individuals and delivers groups and training to professionals and has recently taken a post lecturing on a counselling course.

Sonya qualified as a counsellor in 2003 and has since been working with adults and children in a private and organisational setting as a counsellor, psychotherapist and life coach.  As she has evolved in her work and personally, she has pursued further training and development to enhance her knowledge, understanding and skills.


  • Level 7 Certificate in Supervision-Current Centre for Supervision & Team Development (CSTD) London
  • Level 7 MSc Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP Acc) University of Derby, 2019
  • Level 5 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring (ILM Acc) Xue-Derbyshire, 2016
  • Level 4 Certificate in Counselling Children & Adolescents (BACP Acc) Lindum College-Lincoln, 2016
  • Level 3 Tackling Substance Misuse North Nottinghamshire College-Worksop, 2008
  • Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Counselling Loughborough College, 2003

Why you are offering this service:
I feel passionate about supervision and believe it is important for supervisees to have the right support behind them, providing an opportunity to enhance good practice and relational depth with self and others.  I have experienced a variety of supervision styles and feel privileged to have experienced some exceptional supervision. Some which has helped me work at depth and extract the best out of myself personally and professionally, influencing me as an individual and my practice today. I want to support others as I have been supported and within that develop as a supervisor.

Having been supervised with the seven-eyed model I made the decision to train in the same modality as the insight and improved self-awareness this style has offered me has given me access to parts of myself which no other has.  In turn I have been able to help my clients do the same and facilitate the growth, change and evolvement they had been looking for. As part of my training, I am required to complete a placement which requires delivering 50 hours of supervision. I would like to support and invite supervisees to join me in this process if you feel I am the right supervisee for you.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have 1-1 supervision and group supervision once a month, both for 1.5 hours

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I have a specialist interest in Adverse Childhood Experiences, specifically the trauma it can cause to the body and continually cause in adult life.  I work with the relationship between mental and physical health, specifically trauma and the brain, the central nervous system and emotional regulation.  By helping understanding thinking, feelings and behaviours and the psycho-education around trauma it is possible to map out new pathways in the brain, creating healing, recovery and growth.

For the last 16 years I have worked with client’s who have had multiple traumas as children and consequently use drugs and alcohol to escape their pain in adult life.  Since 2010 I have been working with adults and children who have been subject to sexual violence and abuse.

Susan Theaker

I am based in Nottingham City Centre for face to face appointments and also offer online and telephone Supervision.

M: 07792 192417

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
Feb 2008 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
July 2011 Masters in Counselling University of Nottingham
Nov 2016 BACP Accred
Nov 2018 CSTD Core Supervision

Why you are offering this service:
To gain more supervision experience, the CSTD Certificate and Diploma and develop increase my skills.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I receive dual private monthly supervision for client and supervisee work I undertake with Deanne Gardner based in Nottingham.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I have experience working within schools, HE and FE and local charities face to face, The BB Group working online and EAP’s for 5years working by telephone. I also manage and develop my private practice of 8 years and work using face to face, telephone and online.

I have a wealth of experience working with various issues and diverse client base and have a keen interest in the mind and body connection and trauma.

I offer a collaborative and supportive working alliance to all supervisees and a broad range of experience, which is reflective of the CSTD training and the supervision that I receive.

Clissie Tullett

I am based in Norwich and can meet face to face, or online via Zoom/Teams.
M: 07599 073373

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
Postgraduate Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling, The Norwich Centre.
Certificate in Person-Centred Counselling, University of East Anglia.
Person-Centred Experiential Counselling for Depression (PCE-CfD), Metanoia Institute.

I am currently in training for Certificate in Supervision at CSTD. I hold BACP Accreditation. I am currently in private practice and also work as an NHS Talking Therapies Counsellor (previously known as IAPT).

Why you are offering this service:

I have always found supervision to be a vital ingredient in supporting and developing my counselling practice and I’m excited to now be able to offer supervision to other practitioners.

I really enjoy working collaboratively and supporting supervisees to explore and develop their counselling practice; to navigate challenges, as well as celebrate successes.  I was particularly attracted to the CSTD Supervision Training in the 7 eyed model because of the comprehensive yet flexible nature of it.

Being able to hold the client/supervisee/supervisor relationships within a non-judgemental and empathic space, and offer a warm curiosity to what we find there fits very well with the person-centred approach and I believe provides a positive environment in which to learn and grow from.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have individual supervision in place with a private supervisor who is BACP Accredited.

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I work in general practice.
I have special interests in grief and bereavement work and perinatal work.
Prior to qualifying as a counsellor, I volunteered at The Samaritans, Cruse Bereavement Care and St Barnabas Counselling Centre, Norwich.

Ruth Wharton

I am based in Seaford, East Sussex. Online supervision is available.

M: 07896 871436

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Experience/Qualifications including CSTD:
BA (Hons) English
BSc Osteopathic Medicine
Diploma Osteopathy
Diploma Naturopathy
MSc Paediatric Osteopathy
Completed the nine year postgrads programme of Biodynamics of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field
Trainee Supervisor with CSTD

Why you are offering this service:
I would like to gain experience of giving Supervision whilst I am continuing my training.

What supervision you have in place for your supervision:
I have monthly supervision with Mary Carroll

Anything else you'd like to be known about your work:
I am a Biodynamic Cranial Osteopath and I qualified in 2004. I have taught at postgraduate level in the UK and Spain. In addition to practising in my natural health clinic, I volunteer my osteopathic services to a supported housing project for 16-25 year olds with complex needs.

I am passionate about the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself and the role that our emotions play in that process.

Before Osteopathy I worked in voluntary sector social work. I trained as an alcohol counsellor with street homeless people and worked with women with a history of offending, substance misuse and mental health issues.